Billy Fung

Billy's Blog

Python · R · thoughts


2019-05-17 It's been awhile

2019-01-22 Consuming APIs and looping

2019-01-03 2018 retrospective


2018-10-26 Morale and Motivation

2018-08-29 Managing Risk

2018-08-05 Doing some free work for a good cause

2018-07-06 Learning RDS best practices the hard way

2018-06-27 ELB cli Thoughts

2018-06-23 More Django AWS deployment thoughts

2018-06-04 Initial Thoughts on Django

2018-04-20 A very windy day in NZ

2018-04-13 New Zealand Electricity Generation

2018-04-11 Adding in some quick logging

2018-03-13 Finding missing dates

2018-03-01 Interviewing again

2018-02-28 Bayesian Awakening

2018-02-20 My First Contracting Gig

2018-02-19 My first Postgres Experience

2018-02-18 How to Grow?

2018-02-05 Choose and invest in the community

2018-01-28 R data.table for 2 weeks

2018-01-10 Seasonal Decomposition

2018-01-08 Porting to Hugo


2017-12-02 NGINX Reverse Proxy

2017-11-23 JS Var hoisting

2017-11-02 EC2 Disk Full

2017-10-05 Postgres Where Subquery

2017-09-27 Analysis of the 2017 Elite Men World Championship

2017-09-24 Joy Plots

2017-09-19 Telling a story with data

2017-09-09 LightGBM

2017-08-31 Choosing an EC2 type

2017-08-30 Revisiting Docker and Docker Hub

2017-08-24 Differences between Flask and Django

2017-08-23 Hadleyverse vs data.table

2017-08-21 Porting Windows to Linux

2017-08-17 Mentoring and Pair Programming

2017-08-02 Python GIS first try

2017-07-25 Weird Cloud Scraping Issue

2017-07-05 Development vs Analysis Environments

2017-06-30 Improving Multiple Inserts with Psycopg2

2017-06-29 GAMS - General Algebraic Modeling System

2017-06-19 Hedging and Arbitrage

2017-06-14 Feature Extraction from dates

2017-05-23 Postgres Grouping and Ordering

2017-04-29 Slow API SQL Query

2017-04-15 Diving into web visualisations with Javascript

2017-04-08 2017 Lightning Lab Electric Innovation Challenge

2017-03-06 Shiny interactive visualisation

2017-02-22 Building Correlated Distributions

2017-01-07 Postgres Phrase Search

2017-01-03 Multiple Blogs with Middleman


2016-11-21 Cholesky decomposition

2016-11-03 Psycopg2 Decimal() sum

2016-10-23 Behavior of SQL Null

2016-09-17 How I got my job

2016-08-20 Electricity Markets

2016-08-14 Vagrant, VM and Development

2016-08-08 SQLAlchemy and Flask-admin

2016-06-30 Work Life Balance

2016-06-12 What Every Computer Science Major Should Know

2016-06-09 SQL Query Options

2016-05-19 Learnings of the Week

2016-05-02 Learnings of the Week

2016-04-24 Learnings of the Week

2016-04-18 Learnings of the Week

2016-03-12 On Bicycle Racing

2016-02-26 Flask URL Shortener

2016-02-10 My First Node App

2016-01-28 Web Scraping and PostgreSQL

2016-01-22 Tell Me About Coffee

2016-01-18 Github and Version Control


2015-12-27 Web Scraping with Python

2015-12-03 Python Robot web app

2015-11-29 Kaggle Titanic survival classification

2015-11-29 Exploring SF crime data

2015-11-26 Interactive plots with D3.js

2015-11-23 Microcorruption

2015-11-10 Python and SSL

2015-11-07 My first web app

2015-11-02 Exploring Titanic data

2015-10-30 Kaggle Titanic 1st Attempt

2015-10-16 Learning AWS EC2

2015-10-12 Puzzle Challenge

2015-10-09 Videogrep

2015-10-06 Vandrico job application

2015-10-06 VHDL testbenches

2015-10-06 VHDL and style

2015-10-06 Strava Analysis

2015-10-06 Job Applications

2015-10-06 Gravity Gradient Stabilised Satellite

