Vandrico job application
Billy Fung / 2015-10-06
Vandrico application
So I’ve been applying to jobs and I’ve found that I get pretty interested in jobs that have coding challenges. Mainly because it gives me something to focus on for a little bit, instead of just droning away trying to make my cover letter interesting. One recent coding question involved making a POST request and then guessing a number.
It seemed like a harmless enough question and since I don’t come from a software background, it seemed fun to me. To tackle the problem, I used the requests module in python, and then implemented a binary search to reduce the amount of time to guess the number. Binary search is a divide and conquer algorithm, so you are recursively adjusting the range in which you are searching for the number.
def binarysearch(num, low, high):
numguesses = num
theguess = (low + high)/2
guess = {“guess”:theguess}
r =, json = guess)
if high < low:
return -1 #lol high isn’t less than low
mid = (low + high)/2
if “correct” in r.text:
return (mid, numguesses)
if “high” in r.text:
numguesses = numguesses + 1
return binarysearch(numguesses, low, mid-1)
numguesses = numguesses + 1
return binarysearch(numguesses,mid+1, high)
I never heard back so this means either my solution isn’t complete or they just don’t like my solution. I suppose it would be beneficial to write unit tests for it?